Yuba-Sutter Shields!

Full Face Shield
Wide-Awake Geek of Marysville is organizing an effort to provide face shields for public safety to first responders and emergency professionals working the front lines of the pandemic in our community. Please help by donating to our cause so that we can reach our goal of manufacturing 2500 full face shields.
Tax-deductible donations may also be sent to the Rideout Foundation.
The Rideout Foundation
414 G. St. #130
Marysville, CA 95901

Yuba-Sutter Shields
Wide-Awake Geek – Community Organizer
Rideout Foundation – Fiscal Agency
Baked Industries – Manufacturing and Design
FSU Consulting – Communications / Liaison
CORE Charter School – Volunteers – 3D Printers and Filament
AeroSTEM Academy – Volunteers – 3D Printers and Filament
Niqbot.com – Webmaster / Social Media / 3D Prints
Rideout Foundation – Cash Donations
Home Depot – Material Donations
Our Story
It began with a world wide pandemic and a recognition that we are in a fight for our lives. Chuck Ferguson, founder of a local innovation center, decided to organize a group of local citizens to make masks for first responders. Several Yuba Sutter businesses and non profits have also joined this effort to save lives.
The objective is to produce 2500 full face shields for first responders, health care providers, and front line essential service workers. Baked Industries is providing a critical service by making injection molds that allow 2500 mask supports to be created quickly. CORE Charter School and the AeroSTEM Academy have loaned 3D printers and filament material that will allow the creation of 500 additional masks.
Other local members provide important contributions, including the Rideout Foundation which provides fiscal oversight & funding, the FSU Consulting Group who manage the communication aspects of the project, Home Depot Yuba City who have provided materials to construct the mask, and Niqbot.com donating hosting, web site publication, and social media management for YubaSutter.net .
Of course there are other contributors that wish to remain anonymous. We salute their contributions and thank them for supporting this effort. If you can contribute there are several ways to help. The easiest way to help is to MAKE A DONATION of $12 dollars which covers the face shield costs. But if you have a 3D printer, or can contribute materials, or have other ideas please contact us.
Together we can help save lives!
Help Us Save Lives
News & Updates
Yuba-Sutter Shields Featured at Appeal Democrat
A local partnership has the goal of making more than 2,000 face shields to help protect those on the front lines of the COVID-19 battle. Chuck Ferguson, founder of Wide-Awake Geek in Marysville, aims to make 2,500 masks with help from a variety of businesses,...
SYCF Donates $1500 to Yuba Sutter Shields Project
“The Sutter Yuba Community Foundation (SYCF) is proud to support the Yuba-Sutter Shields project and its goal of providing 2,500 face shields to our local area first responders and medical staff. These shields will help to provide a much needed layer of protection...
YUBA-SUTTER ORGANIZATIONS FILLING LOCAL NEED FOR COVID-19 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Local Coalition Manufacturing and Distributing Face Shields to Essential Workers Yuba City, Ca. April 21, 2020 Local organizations and businesses have converted their services to...

Help us Save Lives
If you donate cash, materials, or labor, we are accepting all forms of help in this effort to save the lives of first responders, health care, and essential service workers. Please join us!